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Buy, Sell & Profit From The Government Mandated Tax Foreclosure Laws
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Tax Sale Playbook is the Ultimate Guide to Buying & Selling Tax Defaulted Real Estate
Hurry, This FREE Offer Won't Last Long!
Thousands have already learned how to be successful tax sale investors.
Are you next!?
From: Casey Denman

I remember attending my first tax sale like it was yesterday.  At the time, I didn't think it was that big of a deal.  It was just another way for me to try to make some extra money.  Maybe it'd work and maybe it wouldn't. Well, the day I walked into that room is a day I'll never forget.

That first auction I attended was the moment I discovered tax sale investing and the day my life was forever changed.
In the more than sixteen years since, I've attended countless auctions and have held an interest in more than 1,000 properties.  I've experienced tremendous successes through tax sale investing.  Over the years I've gained more experience in the tax sale business than nearly anyone in the world and I'm excited for the opportunity to share my experience with you!
When I Wrote Tax Sale Playbook, I had one goal in mind:
Provide my readers with the shortcuts to success in this business!
SO, why this book? And why is it FREE?
When I first got into tax sale investing there were no books or courses and most information on the subject was very outdated (or just wrong). I've spent years traveling from auction to auction learning the business. I made mistakes (lots of them), had failures and went to the tax sale school of hard knocks. It isn't a path I'd recommend.

When I wrote Tax Sale Playbook, I wanted to provide you with a guide to success in this business that would also help you avoid all the pitfalls I went through. Looking back, every struggle I faced was based around the fact that I had to learn everything myself, without a single bit of help.  

I don't want you to go through those struggles. I want to provide you with the help I didn't have. I want every single person that has the slightest interest in tax sale investing to get a copy of my book.

So, instead of selling the book for $24.97, I'm offering it FREE of charge. All I ask is that you help me out by paying the shipping fee of $4.97.
There is NO CATCH!
This is an actual book that will be arriving in your mailbox - 198 pages worth of the tax sale strategies that have changed my life. This isn't some sort of program that offers you something cool for free, then bills you down the road without you knowing it. We're better than that.

Here's why I'm giving away my book:
  •   It's my way to say thank you for being a follower of mine.
  • ​ Unlike many "gurus" I don't make all my money teaching others how to do something. I have a real business and I've been investing in tax sale properties for than 16 years now.
  •    I'm able to provide you with great information with the hopes that you'll come back when you're ready to join The Tax Sale Academy.
  •    I'm sick of the other garbage that's offered that's taught by an amateur looking to make a quick buck who has no business being in real estate education.
Time is Of The Essence...
Here's why...

I only had a limited number of books printed and when they're gone . . . well, they're gone for good!
Here is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
I guarantee that you'll love this book. If you don't, I'll apologize. And then I'll even refund your shipping charge AND you can keep the book anyway. You won't have to even send it back. Just email us and we'll take care of it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!

Casey Denman

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you a 198 page book, "Tax Sale Playbook - the Ultimate Guide to Buying & Selling Tax Defaulted Real Estate" (that retails for $24.97) for FREE. Yes, the book is FREE and all you pay is the shipping costs of $4.97 (United States) or $19.97 (International).

There's no catch or gimmicks. This isn't some sort of "trial" where we'll be billing you down the road without you knowing about it.

The best part is this: If you don't enjoy the book, I'll even refund your shipping costs on your FREE book (and you won't have to ship it back).

So, Click the button below to claim your FREE copy now. You'll be glad you did.
How to Start Profiting from the (government mandated) Tax Foreclosure Process!
"That first auction I attended was the moment I discovered tax sale investing and the day my life was forever changed."
Tax Sale Investing.  Buying and selling tax defaulted real estate is a business that most of the public doesn't even know exists.  But . . . it has made countless millionaires.

For years, it was a good 'ole boys system in every town.  Then technology came along.  This opened it up to regular people, like me and you.  It allows us to invest from the comfort of our own homes without needing lots of money, a license or someone "on the inside." 

Although the traditional real estate investing markets (like the stuff you see on TV) are overly crowded right now, Tax Sale Investing is a niche that is often overlooked.  Most people just don't understand it.

I first started investing in real estate back in 2002.  I've invested in many states and have held and interest in more than 1,000 properties.  You could say my degree is from the "School of Hard Knocks" - you know the one where you continually lose money until you hopefully one day figure out the things NOT to do. Eventually, I figured out the secrets to success and my business exploded!

After a number of years in the business, I taught a friend how to invest and this ultimately started the premier tax sale investing educational program - The Tax Sale Academy.

I can't wait to see you inside The Academy to teach you everything I've learned over the years! Let my academy be your shortcut to success in this business!

Here's just some of what's inside The Tax Sale Academy:
  •     How to Buy Your First Tax Sale Property
  •     How to Fund Your Investments (it's easier than you think)
  •     Understanding The Tax Sale Process
  •     How to Analyze Tax Sale Lists Quickly (like the pros do)
  •     Performing Due Diligence Quickly & Easily
  •     How to Value Real Estate
  •     Buying Properties Before, During & After Auctions
  •     Buying Tax Sale Properties That Aren't Local to You
  •     Tips & Tricks I've Learned after 15+ Years 
  •     Using Conventional Selling Methods
  •     Nonconventional Selling Methods (some will blow your mind)
  •     Building Buyer's Database ( = selling properties in MINUTES)
  •     Tax Free/Deferred Investing Using Retirement Accounts
  •     Building Your Team & Why It's So Important
  •     Scaling and Growing From One Deal to 1,000 Deals
  •     . . . SO SO SO SO MUCH MORE!
We Have Already Helped Countless People Around the World...
The Question Is, Are YOU Next?
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